Metro4All is closing downWe regret to inform you that Metro4All project which we’ve been supporting for the last 3 years is closing down today.
Technopark – accessibility reviewIn the end of year 2015 new station Technopark was opened in Moscow metro. Metro4All presents its review of accessibility and wayfinding features of the station.
Kyiv Smart City award for Metro4All -
Metro4All iOS app update – Language support and Feedback formMetro4All iOS app is updated – now it has multi-language support, and users can send feedback and information easily using “Send feedback” form.
Routing in Metro4All iOS-appWe released new version of Metro4All iOS app. Now users can route between subway stations and learn their journey time.
Time calculation in Android appWe released version 2.8 of Metro4All Android app. Main feature of the new version is that now you can see in advance how much time this or that route would take and when you will reach your destination point.
Subway Accessibility Rating (Metro4All SAR)We start publishing Subway Accessibility Rating (Metro4All SAR). For now rating includes 14 cities which subway data we’ve already collected. Keep an eye for updates.
Novosibirsk – 14th Metro4All cityWe finished collection and processing of Novosibirsk subway data. Now Metro4All has all Russian subways. Results are in our веб-, Android and iOS apps.
20.05.2015 – find the right subway exitMeet – first app with integrated underground and overground pedestrian routing in Moscow!
Metro4All for iOSMetro4All app is now available for download in AppStore! The first version of the iPhone/iPad app is a subway stations guide for 13 cities with exit numbers and accessibility information.